

以前来たアンケートの設問の出だしが「1.How likely is it that you would recommend being a Getty Images contributor to a friend or colleague?(ゲッティイメージズの貢献者を友人や同僚に推薦することはどうでしょうか?)」と同じだったので、今回も同じ内容なのかな?





1.How likely is it that you would recommend being a Getty Images contributor to a friend or colleague?

2.How satisfied are you with being one of our contributors?

3. How often do you visit the Contributor Community website (
(Contributor CommunityのWebサイト(にはどのくらいの頻度で訪問していますか?)

4. How satisfied are you with the following content?

5.How important are the following pieces of content?

6. How often do you look to the Help/FAQ section on the Contributor Community website for answers to your questions?
(あなたの質問への回答は、Contributor CommunityのWebサイトのヘルプ/ FAQセクションをどのくらい見ていますか?)

7. Do you agree with the following: “I can find the answers to my questions in the Help/FAQ section on the Contributor Community website”?
(あなたは以下に同意しますか?「寄稿者コミュニティのウェブサイトのヘルプ/ FAQセクションで私の質問に対する答えを見つけることができますか?)

8. How satisfied are you with the following account management activities?
( 次のアカウント管理活動にどの程度満足していますか?)

9. How important are the following account management activities?

10. Getty Images provides different ways for you to get your royalty information. Please rank them in order of importance with 1 being most important and 5 being least important.
(ゲッティイメージズはロイヤルティ情報を得るためのさまざまな方法を提供します。 重要度の高い順にランク付けしてください。1が最も重要で、5が最も重要ではありません。)

11. Which of the following third party tools do you use to analyze your royalty information?

12. What benefits do these third party tool(s) provide you that Getty Images does not?

13. What information do you need to help you determine how well your assets are performing?

14. What else would you like to share with us about how we report your royalties and report on file performance?

15. Rate the helpfulness of the following information in determining what to shoot:

16. How satisfied are you with Getty Images’ performance in the areas below?

17. When choosing a company to license your imagery, how important are each of the following?

18. What else is important to you when partnering with a company to license your imagery?

19. Which editing tools do you use when preparing images for submission?


Adobe illustratorなどのベクターソフトは一切なく、ビットマップの画像編集ソフトのみ。



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